Eighth Grade - Aspen Country Day School

It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you put your heart and mind to it. That could well be the motto of the Eighth Grade year at Aspen Country Day School. Students often start the year with a leadership retreat right before school begins, then serve as role models for younger students on Middle School Outdoor Ed. They quickly move into preparing for the Humanities class trip to Washington, DC, and many participate in Sister Cities trips. Everyone is planning for high school, and in the fall and winter many take the SSAT (Secondary School Admissions Test) along with trips to visit boarding schools. Springtime brings the big play at the Wheeler Opera House; the Eighth Graders take center stage not only in performing, but also writing and designing the musical. Then there’s the landmark final Outdoor Ed trip in May, followed by a graduation where each Eighth Grader writes and delivers an original speech. It is a whirlwind year, full of confidence, resilience, and joy in learning.


Working at full power, the Eighth Graders are on fire with their many responsibilities and intellectual adventures in this, their final year of the Country Day journey. They are writing thoughtful essays, mastering the quadratic equation, doing experiments in the science lab, and collaborating on group projects, left.



Environmental Chemistry & Physics


World Language


All their years of developing skills, methods, and passions in the arts come together in Eighth Grade as students create, produce, and perform in the big spring play. An original musical production at the Wheeler Opera House, this is a sold-out event that brings the entire school together under the leadership of the Eighth Grade class.

Additional projects throughout the year in the arts include making musical compositions using Garage Band, collaborating on large-scale arts projects like murals, and making films for a spring Middle School film festival.





Over their years at Aspen Country Day School, children spend a cumulative 56 days and nights on outdoor education expeditions, and the capstone of them all is the Eighth Grade river trip. A week on a classic Western river with teachers and friends right before graduation gives students an unforgettable bonding experience. It’s also time to reflect on all they have learned on their journey.

Physical Education

Outdoor Education

SIgnature Programs

One of the highlights of the Eighth Grade year is a class trip to Washington, DC. Even though it was not possible during the pandemic, we are hopeful to revive this tradition for future classes. The DC trip is an immersive experience and an inside look at democratic institutions. Students often come away with a new appreciation not only for our national history and a better understanding of urban life.


High school placement

One-to-one Chromebook program