Meet Our Community: The People of Aspen Country Day

People of Country Day

Too many children grow up without a sense of community. At Aspen Country Day School, we hire outstanding, collaborative educators who care deeply about students. Our school family welcomes new friends, whether students, teachers, or parents, in the tradition of our school motto: de amicitia – the spirit of friendship. Growing up in this intentional community is a gift, and it’s the main reason Country Day graduates are so grounded and confident.

All the adults here on campus are focused on raising children who are prepared to lead lives of meaning and purpose. On these pages, meet some of the people who make a difference in the lives of children every day.

The People of Country Day project

Aspen Country Day School has always been known for its strong sense of community. We build connections through a new family welcome program, the cross-grade buddy program, and at many events like Blue Green field days.

As our school has grown in recent years, we have intentionally sought out even more ways to build relationships. One is the People of Country Day project, which matches Seventh and Eighth Graders up with adults across the school for a wide-ranging interview. The students’ work is excerpted here on our website so, too, you can get to know the People of Country Day. See some current teacher interviews here.

Teacher & Staff Directory

Head of School

Board of Trustees

For Current Parents