What we believe

Excellence doesn’t just happen.
It takes bold and intentional preparation.
So everything we do at Aspen Country Day School is thoughtfully designed to challenge and nurture children as they build confidence, resilience, and joy in learning.
Children must be prepared for the journey ahead. Leave no element of their education to chance.
Graduate outcomes
Aspen Country Day School students become
- critical thinkers and problem solvers
- independent learners who also collaborate effectively with peers
- confident and self-aware individuals who are curious and resourceful
- self directed learners who recognize their potential and strive to fulfill it
- responsible citizens who contribute positively to their communities
- global thinkers whose outlook is grounded in a sense of place and environmental responsibility
Attributes of a teacher
Aspen Country Day School teachers have
- power to inspire children
- content mastery and knowledge of their students
- ability to teach a range of learners
- skills in technology and professional practice
- commitment to embrace the school’s mission and enhance its culture
- complementary skills to enrich the educational program
- authentic commitment to lifelong learning via professional development
- a positive approach as school ambassadors
Core values
The core values of our school arose out of the Outdoor Education program, where on the first trip in Kindergarten, children gather around the campfire for the first of many discussions of character, respect, responsibility, community, and perseverance. The core values guide how we show up for each other in classrooms, on campus, online, and in the wider community. Each student signs a community code at the start of the school year; it gives examples of how the core values look in real life. Always at the heart of our work with children is to challenge and nurture them to become their best. We want their first question to always be: “What can I do for others?”
Statement of equity, diversity, and inclusion
At Aspen Country Day School, we believe that diversity, equity, and inclusion are essential to the fulfillment of our school’s mission, to the achievement of educational excellence, and to the creation of a better world. We are committed to building a community that welcomes diversity of many kinds including race, gender, family structure, ethnicity, learning style, religion, sexual orientation, and economic background. We strive to create an inclusive community where all people are treated with respect and dignity. Aspen Country Day School is a place where multiple perspectives and experiences are encouraged both inside and outside the classroom, and where students from all cultures and backgrounds can succeed.