Why am I asked to donate to Aspen Country Day School on top of paying tuition?
Tuition alone does not cover the full expense for a student to attend Aspen Country Day School. As an independent school and registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization, Aspen Country Day School relies on the generosity of its community members to make up the gap between expenses and revenue from tuition and fees. Aspen Country Day has a longstanding culture of generosity that affords our students the best possible educational experience. This support and solidarity speak to the power of community at Aspen Country Day School.
Why should I donate to Aspen Country Day School?
Philanthropy is at the core of what we do and allows us to live out our mission. Philanthropic giving allows community members to show support for our students and to advocate for a school and mission they passionately believe in.
What does the Annual Fund support?
The Annual Fund directly enhances our students’ experience by providing critical support for the school’s annual operating budget in areas such as financial assistance, teaching excellence, and student enrichment.
What is the goal for the Annual Fund?
100% participation from current families.
Why doesn’t tuition go up to cover these areas of the school’s budget?
Current tuition levels make an Aspen Country Day education more affordable to more families. Many parents appreciate the opportunity to claim a tax deduction, as gifts to the school are tax deductible, but tuition is not.
Which is the most important of the school’s fundraising initiatives?
Each donor should allocate their giving according their own philanthropic interests. However, we do ask that each current family at Aspen Country Day first make a gift to the Annual Fund each year.
How much should I give?
Each gift is important and sends a message of strong support for the school and our students. Each family should make a gift that is meaningful to them. While their children are enrolled at Aspen Country Day, we do ask each family to make the school a philanthropic priority.
What are the different ways to make a gift?
Gifts can be made via cash, check, credit card, stock transfer, wire transfer, and EFT. We also accept Annual Fund pledges to give a specified amount by June 30 of the calendar year. Gifts may be made online any time at: www.aspencountryday.org/give
What if I have more questions?
Please do not hesitate to contact Carolyn Hines, Director of Advancement, 970-429-3844
Be part of all the good things happening at Aspen Country Day School.