Jenna has a BA in elementary and special education from Salve Regina University in Rhode Island and a master’s degree in educational psychology from the University of Northern Colorado. Part of the ACDS Lower School team since 2014, Jenna grew up in Connecticut.

Dream dinner guests?
I’d love to sit down with Eleanor Roosevelt. I really admire her ability to speak up for human rights, especially during a time when women were encouraged to keep quiet. My grandfather, a really interesting and creative man, and my grandmother, who grew up on a ranch in Montana and moved away from her parents to explore the world. She inspired a lot of my journey to move to Colorado.
Something surprising about this school?
I am always blown away by the inclusiveness and kindness of our community. I think when someone takes a first look, they might make assumptions that we are exclusive and only cater to a certain type of family. When in reality, at our core we are the opposite of that, especially in the field that I work in. The diversity in learning profiles at Country Day and the way we accept children and meet their needs is the reason I have worked here for so long.
What’s an example of the inclusiveness you mention?
We have a family that joined us this year. I remember the first conversation that I had with the mom. She cried happy tears because her child finally liked school after many years of tears and arguments. The mom never expected that her child could actually love coming to school.
How did you wind up in Aspen and the Roaring Fork Valley?
I moved to Winter Park right out of college, to ski. I ended up falling in love with Colorado –Winter Park, not so much. One weekend I went to Telluride and ended up meeting my husband. Telluride will always be a special place for us, but the Roaring Fork Valley is our home.
Favorite place on campus?
I mean anywhere outside on this campus… but I really love the road that winds up the backside of Aspen Mountain from campus. I love when we take the kids up there for hiking or Outdoor Ed.
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A carpenter. I’ll never forget standing up in second grade when my teacher asked this same question and everyone laughing. It is still a running joke with a few of my friends. I have always been fascinated with my grandfather, who was constantly building or creating something with his hands. As an adult I possess none of those skills and realize that I probably would have made a terrible carpenter.