Eloise was born and raised in Houston, Texas. She has lived in Aspen since 2019, but it has been a special place for her family since she learned to ski at Buttermilk when she was 5. Eloise has a Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education and started teaching Pre-K at ACDS in 2021.

What makes a student’s experience at ACDS distinctive from other schools?
Our campus and people. I don’t think any other school in the world could compare to the beauty of ACDS and the warm welcoming faces that surround it.
What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
That I give good hugs!
Bucket-list travel destination?
Italy. Specifically, Corleone in Sicily, which is where my family is from.
Your favorite place in the world?
Maroon Bells at sunrise.
What trend do you hope makes a comeback?
Juicy Couture track suits