Annie Garrett
Fourth Grade Language Arts & Social Studies Teacher
Annie was born and raised in Aspen and chose to return home after graduate school because of her love for the community and mountains. She studied as an undergraduate at Oberlin College and the University of Colorado Boulder, from which she also earned a Master’s Degree in Secondary English Education. Annie started working at ACDS in 2008 and has taught Fourth and Fifth Grade humanities, Sixth and Seventh Grade English, and Eighth Grade creative writing. Additionally, she choreographs the annual school play at the Wheeler Opera House. Annie has also taught at Basalt Middle School, at an international school in Dubai, and at a pan-African leadership high school in Johannesburg.

Favorite place in the world?
My classroom in December: the magical pyramid is illuminated, a Fraser Fir candle is burning, and the students are writing winter poetry in cursive with silver pens on black paper.
What led you to a career in education?
I almost became a lawyer, but as a paralegal, I was afflicted with the agonizing fantasy of spicing up my court pleadings with glitter.
What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
“You changed my child’s life forever, both as a writer and as a person.”
What energizes you?
Costume parties, dancing with my students, live music, and whole milk lattes.
What do you do to turn things around when you’re having a bad day?
I call an emergency book club meeting with three to five of my favorite colleagues at school.
What’s an itch you’d like to scratch? An interest or passion you’d like to pursue?
I’d plan to tour the world as a backup dancer in a Talking Heads cover band.
What trend do you hope makes a comeback?
Mixed tapes and landlines!